
Are U Staged?

Photography by Ann Wayne

Ready for What's Next...
I have been cleaning out my house like a mad woman.  Getting rid of things I don't use or need.  I'm trying to simplify and downsize a bit.  Recently, I made one of the biggest decisions for my future that I have made in a long time.  I'm moving. Don't know exactly where or when, but it is clear that I am supposed to make this change.

Over a year ago, I started the journey of processing the idea of moving from the two story farm house that my children were raised in. Memories of picking up buck eyes from the five-trunk tree in the fall, toys and books in the attic, gnawed window sills in the barn from the horses, and a pond for labradors to cool off in the summer have painted this tapestry for over twenty five years.

All the children are grown now and out on their own. So it is time to "stage" it for someone else.  My realtor came in recently and began plucking things off of the counter to prepare for potential clients to come and visit.  She grabbed my container of kitchen tools and put them away. I said, "But that's a sign of a good cook!"  She laughed and told me they had to go.  "The cleaner the counter tops, the bigger the room looks," she said.

I began to think about this process called "staging." It simply means to be ready - to set up a room to look clean, crisp and clutter-free. To get rid of the unnecessary stuff.

Isn't that what God calls us to do in our Christian walk so that we're always ready to witness to someone or minister to their needs? Sometimes we have to get rid of the junk in our lives before we can be used by God.

In Bill Hybel's book, "Just Walk Across the Room," he encourages us to live in "3D."
  • Develop Friendships - make friends with people from all walks of life so we can be open to opportunities to share the Word with them.
  • Discover Stories -  listen to their life stories before sharing your own story and eventually God's redemptive story.
  • Discern Next Steps - allow the Holy Spirit to direct you in how to handle the next step in leading a friend to Christ and sharing hope with them.
Evangelism is sort of like "staging."  We must be prepared for whatever God is calling us to do. By spending time in the Word and communing with Him throughout the day, we will know when and what to share with the people He places in our lives. In 1 Peter 3:15, we are told..."in our hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect." NIV

We must ask ourselves, "Am I staged?"  Am I ready for the next step?

Are You a "Courageous" Father?

Once again, Sherwood Pictures, in Albany, Georgia has produced another hit that touches the hearts and homes of families. "COURAGEOUS", released Sept. 30th, was filmed around Albany, the town where Sherwood Baptist Church is located. A team from across the country came together and filmed this movie about families and focused on fathering.

Four law enforcement officers; Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, David Thomson, and Shane Fuller face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. But they quickly discover that their standard is missing the mark. When tragedy hits one officer's home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering.

Moviegoers will find themselves laughing, crying, and cheering as they are challenged and inspired by these men in uniform who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children.

Don't miss this action-packed police drama about four men who come to realize what it really means to be "courageous."  You may even want to consider a ceremony at your church for fathers to make a commitment to be "courageous" for their families.

"Flywheel," "Facing the Giants," and "Fireproof" were the first three films to hit the box office from Sherwood Baptist Church's movie making ministry.  Each movie has presented a spiritual message to moviegoers, challenging them to have a closer relationship with God and take a stand for their families and communities.

Holding Power!

Experience God's arms around you in troubled times!

My heart was racing. Breathing was difficult. My body went limp. PANIC ATTACK! In my late 20's and early 30's, I experienced a lot of anxiety. When I was 32, I had a level 3 panic attack. I thought I was dying. We rushed to the hospital. Vitals were monitored and my veins were injected with a drug to calm me. Within minutes, it improved my demeanor. This major panic attack took a toll on my body for several months. Only time and change allowed me to fully recover from this episode.

I realized that I must set boundaries in my life and with the people around me. Overwhelmed with life's demands, I knew something had to change. I began seeking resources for taking better care of myself. God put people in my path to help me and walking became my new sport to help balance the serotonin levels in my brain to calm the anxiety. Most importantly, I steeped myself in the scriptures for assurance of God's love and care. I simply needed God to hold me and reassure me of His love and steadfastness.

Photography by Ann Wayne

My sun room and the Psalms were my favorite places to dwell early in the mornings. They brought the peace I was seeking. I go to the Psalms today and discover the same highlighted scriptures that brought me comfort in those days. "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4 is one of the many verses that remind me of God's covering over my life.

I am going through a season of uncertainty now as I write this. Again, I go to God's word for comfort. "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I WILL NOT BE SHAKEN.

I talk to a lot of people who have lost jobs, who could lose their homes, who are dealing with illness, who are going through separation and divorce, or who have troubled children. Because I have faced a lot of adversity, I believe that we are supposed to reach out to those struggling. It has become my life mission. Many times, I will point them to the Psalms.

Are you struggling with something? Nothing can give you peace like steeping in the Psalms. Try it. You may find that you like to highlight the verses for later references. GOD'S WORD HAS HOLDING POWER! It could change your life!


Witness the power of forgiveness in this amazing movie...

Last week, I wept like a baby and clinched a pack of tissue as I sat and watched the “Grace Card – a powerful message of grace, forgiveness and overcoming racism. My emotions were so stirred that I almost exited the theater to regain my composure. I was so moved that I am urging all my family and friends to see this movie.

It takes an intriguing story to draw me to the movie theater. A “must see”, this movie was packed with drama telling the story of two policemen, Sam (Michael Higgenbottom), white, middle-aged and deeply troubled, and Mac (Michael Joiner), a young African American, who felt called to full time ministry.

First-time director David G. Evans and his co-writer Howard Klausner create an incredible portrayal of unforgiveness, grace, anger and finally forgiveness. Mac, consumed by despair over the death of his five-year-old son eighteen years earlier, becomes a squad car partner to Sam, a man of faith who is dealing with his own frustrated professional ambitions and prejudices. The men work toward overcoming their differences and face a serious situation when Mac’s seventeen year old son is shot in a robbery.

This evangelical drama draws inspiration from Hebrews 4:16, "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” The movie’s conclusion is not only powerful and surprising; it reveals just how incredible God’s mercy and grace are and the power of forgiveness.

Unfortunately, most Christian based films don’t have a long showing season at theaters, so go quickly. Theaters make decisions about whether or not to continue showing a movie by the number of viewers on opening weekend. One of the most important things we can do is go see Christian films when they first open.

Some Christian producers choose to release movies directly to DVD, mostly for financial reasons. It costs a lot to produce a film and even more to get it into theaters. An estimated cost of $2000 per screen to show a movie and additional costs for advertising prevents some movies from ever reaching the theater. For a new filmmaker or small production company, it can be difficult to fund a theatrical release or find investors for it. Some Christian filmmakers – many of them churches; have used their own money to get a film into theaters and prayed it would cover costs. Their goal and purpose is not usually monetary. It is changing lives and bringing glory to God.

What Can We Do as Christians to Promote Christian Based Movies

• Tell your circle of friends, family, and co-workers about upcoming Christian movies – send emails, post on Facebook, Twitter, websites and blogs
• Pray for Christian filmmakers and their financial supporters
• Organize a church movie event
• Financially support Christian filmmakers
• Print out and post Christian movie information on church, school, community and work bulletin boards for those not active on the internet.

Interview with Speaker/Teacher Stephanie Stanford of Stanford Ministry

Sometimes you just know certain things. The confirmation is so evident that you don’t second guess it. A few years ago at a women’s ministry event, a young woman stood up and commissioned the women to go forth in confidence and boldness to share the gospel. I remember thinking…WOW, this woman needs to be speaking to women’s groups.

The young woman was Stephanie Stanford. She spoke with the boldness of Christ, the authority that only God can give and her words were anointed by the Holy Spirit. It was clear to many of us at that event that Stephanie had the gift of teaching and speaking.

After many years of Bible teaching and leadership in women’s ministry, Stephanie felt the Lord nudging her to accept the call God placed on her life. She and her husband Phil gave this fervent prayer and consideration. In 2010, through the leading of the Holy Spirt, they launched Stanford Ministry. It is a ministry with the goal of equipping people through scriptural teaching.

Stephanie and Phil have been married for 20 years. They have two sons, David and Caleb, who are able to help out in the ministry. Stephanie also loves being a homemaker and ministering through hospitality.

Hope you enjoy the interview below with Stephanie.

Ann: How long have you taught Bible studies and when did you teach your first class?

Stephanie: I have taught classes at various times for many years. I taught my first class when I was a teenager.

A: How did you know that God called you to step out in faith and begin your own speaking/teaching ministry?

S: God kept providing opportunity and encouragement through friends and family. I felt an incredible passion for allowing the Lord to use me to assist in teaching believers.

A: When did you and Phil make the decision to begin Stanford Ministry?

S: Phil and I felt the Lord's direction last year when the ministry really began to come together.

A: Does your family support you in this new adventure?

S: Yes! Yes! Yes! They’re all amazingly supportive. The boys are helpful in critiquing and coming up with creative ideas for me to use at speaking events. David, the oldest, enjoys helping with research on some of the material. Phil is the spiritual covering for the ministry. It is truly a family ministry.

A: What advice would you give women who also feel the call from God to step out and teach, speak or write and share the gospel?

S: Go for it! As the Lord leads, He provides. He equips us for whatever task He calls us to. I remind myself; if He can use a donkey; He can use me! (see Numbers 22: 22-33)

A: Tell us about the Esther event.

S: I believe the Esther event is going to be a great blessing? The Lord has brought a great team of people together to lead worship, pray, decorate, and promote, etc. I think it’s going to be an anointed evening.

It is with great joy that Stanford Ministry announces the first ministry event in the Charlotte area. On Friday, March 18, 2011, at Harvest Community Church in Huntersville, I will be portraying the life of Esther, a woman who lived a life of purpose.

This evening will give you greater understanding of the Biblical character of Esther. We will look at this extraordinary woman in a way few have witnessed. She will tell her own story. A story of struggles, fears, love and finally, triumph. As we see through the eyes of this woman, we will also look to our own fears and struggles and the purpose for our presence in this day.
I hope the women and young ladies of your congregation will mark it on their calendars to attend this special evening. They will be blessed!

A: What motivated you to portray Esther in your one-woman drama on March 18th?

S: I guess the days in which we’re living seem very similar and the Lord prompted me to share it in a different fashion. I think portraying Esther in a drama has really appealed to a wide variety of people.

A: How do you think the portrayal of Esther applies to modern day women?

S: I can’t give it all away, but I think we would do well to have some of her characteristics – like courage and humility (modeled in her obedience).

A: How were you able to pull together your first local ministry event since the launch of Stanford Ministry?

S: With tons of help from a group of awesome people the Lord brought together.

A: Ladies, you are all invited to attend this event…Esther – Living a Life of Purpose Now! The event is FREE. Feel free to bring your husbands too! Men, if you are receiving this blog post, consider bringing your wife or lady friend to this event. It would be a great date night! Check out the sidebar on this blog to find out more about the event or go to Stanford Ministry’s website at Thanks, Stephanie, for your time.

Mega Love

About a month ago, I woke up in the middle of the night. I had been dreaming, which is unusual for me. I was in a craft store looking at charms. Because I enjoy making jewelry, sorting through unique charms is typical every time I stop by a favorite craft store. But in the dream, there was only one charm. A megaphone. When I woke up from the dream, it was so vivid.

Now, let me give you some background. I was not a cheerleader in high school and I'm not known as a loud, talkative woman. I don't need to be the center of attention. But I will state my opinion. Boldly, tactfully and with all due respect to those around me.

I pondered this dream and asked God what it meant. During those few moments some friends came to mind that were going through some trials. And it was as if God spoke to me and said, "Go tell them how much I (God) love them." It was difficult for me to go back to sleep that night because I had such a passion about telling these friends how much God loved them. My heart was so moved because of the "megaphone" dream and what God had revealed to me.

In Ephesians 3:18 the scriptures reveal to us the vastness of God's love. "And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is."
Photography by Ann Wayne

Then, why do we have difficulty loving unconditionally and have unforgiveness in our hearts? We are commanded to love one another as God loves us. Jesus did this well. He told sinners to go and sin no more. He loved them unconditionally. So why can't we love this way? I guess our humanness holds us back.  I have asked God to search my heart and reveal to me if there is anything in it that would keep me from loving unconditionally.

My next visit to a craft store will probably draw me to the charm aisle. I plan to look for a unique "megaphone." It will dangle from a custom made bracelet and remind me of my dream, what God revealed to me and my duty as a Christian in telling others the vastness of God's love.

I encourage you to go to someone who is suffering or going through a trial and ask, "Do you know how much God loves you?" You may even need to go out and buy a "megaphone" charm as a reminder of sharing God's love.

1 Corinthians 1:3-4

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God"