Today, Nov. 15th, was "I Love to Write Day" across the nation. People of all ages were encouraged to write something: a poem, a short story, an essay, a letter to the editor, start a novel, or write a letter to a friend or family member. This marked the eighth "I Love To Write Day", a grassroots effort to have people of all ages practice their writing skills. Created by Delaware author, John Riddle, "I Love To Write Day is an opportunity for people of all ages to become stronger writers," he says. Many schools participate in this wonderful writing opportunity and teachers use creative ways to encourage their students to write. Check out the website at this link. www.ilovetowriteday.org
As I thought about this national day to celebrate writing, I was reminded of the many letters and emails that I have sent or received over the past nine years or so. I am currently working on a notebook compiled with such letters. It will be titled "Letters From the Heart." I thought you might enjoy reading some of the excerpts from a few of these. All of them have impacted my life in some way.
February 20, 2001
My Dear Son...Isaiah,
As I write this letter, my heart is looking toward heaven, thanking God for you. Since the day that you were born, I knew that God had a special plan for you. I'm so proud of you - making the President's List at CPCC is quite an honor...I also want you to know that I'm very pleased in your decision to date Denise. I have prayed for you for a long time - that God would send someone like her across your path. She seems to be an outstanding young woman in every way. Whether you marry her or not is up to God and you.
(They have been married now for 6 years.)
March 4, 2002
Hello from Hong Kong! I miss the evenings of hanging out at your house and having a wonderful Ann-cooked meal followed by the best brownies from the box I ever had. You never realize the things that are important to you until you leave them behind.
(an email from my son-in-law, Darren, who was in college, studying a semester in Hong Kong)
May 12, 2002
Hey everyone! I'm finally here in Nerja, and let me tell you that this place is absolutely gorgeous. One side is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, and the other side by beautiful mountains. I am staying with Sra. Carmen Martin who told me to call her mama...Hope all is well in the States!
Hasta Luego,
(my daughter was studying in Spain for a month the summer before her senior year in college)
November 22, 2004
Good morning family,
I just wanted to thank Ann again for hosting a wonderful Thanksgiving meal! It is truly a blessing to have grown up with this family and to continue to stay connected as our lives change and develop. Now, we can watch the next generation grow up with the same love all around them.
(my niece, Adriana, sent this email)
July 24, 2006
Hey Ann!
I hope you are well. I just wanted to share with you something very exciting that has happened in my life. I have recently been saved by the grace of God and it is so exciting. I could go on about the things He is doing in my life and the prayers that he has answered. It is so amazing the peace and happiness you know when you truly have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. I know you know what I am talking about....I am going to be baptized on August 11th.
(my niece, Alicia, sent me this email)
October 17, 2008
What a great article! Thanks for sharing.
I'm sure you have heard from someone by now of my transformation, and I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to tell you about it. I will soon. There were many things that helped me to finally have an intimate relationship with Christ, but Romans 12:2 was the ignition for me. "Stop being like the rest of your business colleagues! Challenge your mind, give yourself to the lord….renew your mind" is what I heard from God. I attempted to think that for the rest of the retreat and then things started to click. We had amazing discussions, did some amazing sacrificial things and I gave myself to God. I have given myself to him before, but more out of tradition, i.e., through Confirmation at Church, through altar calls, etc, but I have never given myself to Him because I WANTED TO, instead of because someone was pushing me to. it is a truly different feeling. I finally have some sort of understanding of what it means to know God…but I've just scratched the surface.
I know I haven't shown it, but you have been a true inspiration through Christ. It's hard to explain, but when someone does not know God, they think the people who do are a little questionable. I see that now. what's great is that I believe I can relate to people who question a personal relationship with Jesus. I questioned myself all the time. It comes at different times to different people in different ways. I pray now that everyone I know gets to experience what I am now experiencing.
(my niece's husband, Brian, sent this email, he is an attorney in Charlotte)
"Letters From the Heart"... you can see how they have touched the lives in my family. I hope that you will take the time to write a letter to someone in your life that has made a difference. Get out your pen and paper or your computer, and let your heart pour out what is waiting to touch the lives of those you love!
You will be richly blessed and may even make a difference in someone's else's life!
"My heart overflows with a good theme;
I address my verses to the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
Psalm 45:1
I address my verses to the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
Psalm 45:1
Well done, Ann! Thank you for beautifully confirming the power of the written word! Thank you for writing about writing!